Utah State University Huntsman School of Business Addition Nears Completion


Huntsman Hall, a 126,000-square foot addition to the Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University in Logan, Utah, seamlessly expands the existing facility with new state-of-the-art classrooms, team rooms, event spaces, and research centers. Building on LMN’s education experience and business school research, the design connects the new and old facilities into a continuous, socially active complex connected by a series of daylit corridors, lounges, active staircases, courtyards, terraces, and a central cafe – encouraging interaction and networking between students and faculty which is central to the success of modern business education, while taking advantage of the amazing views overlooking the Cache Valley.

Located at the edge of campus on a main thoroughfare, Huntsman Hall creates a ‘gateway’ for the School, welcoming interactions with business leaders and local entrepreneurs as well as creating a bold statement to visitors arriving to the campus.  The building has already established a dramatic presence and is set to have an even bigger impact on the life of the School once it opens in early 2016!